Dec 15

Frugal Baby Shower Gift

Looking for ideas for a frugal baby shower gift?

I was able to give this frugal baby bath gift basket to a friend recently, and it cost me less than $2!

I saved up free and cheap baby bath, shampoo, lotion, soap, etc. from special sales combined with coupons over the past few months, including this Shoppers Food Warehouse Double $1+ Coupons Event back in April. I bought a cute blue plastic tub in the Dollar Spot section of Target a few months back, and then I made a washcloth duckie toy using a template from Martha Stewart here. To make the duckie, I used terry cloth left over from another sewing project and had new sponges in a big bag from the Dollar Store.

I currently have 5 other plastic tubs in a variety of colors (pink, blue and green) as well as a growing stock pile of baby shampoo, bath wash, lotion, Bath Buddies bars, etc. so I plan to make this my standard baby shower gift for the next 5 or so baby showers. Plus there are other cute toys or craft ideas you could use besides the Martha Stewart duckie (which, I admit, was a little time-consuming), such as making a simple baby washcloth, bath mitt, hooded bath towel, wash cloth lollipops, or folding a regular washcloth into a cute bunny.

If you have any frugal baby shower gifts, please leave a comment and let me know!

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