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This Sunday you can enjoy free admission to the National Geographic Museum in Washington, DC! Normally ticket prices begin at $7 for children 5-12, up to $11 for adults, so this is a significant savings if you’ve been meaning to take the whole family or venture over with a group of friends to check out the National Geographic Museum in DC. Children under 5 years have free admission everyday, but this Sunday is a great time to go visit, especially for older kids!
Address: 1145 17th Street, NW (near 17th and M St. intersection)
Washington, DC 20036
Hours of Operation: Open Daily, 10 am – 6 pm
Museum Phone Number: 202–857-7700
Free Admission Date: Sun. January 12, 2014
Current exhibits are listed here, and include:
- “Women of Vision: National Geographic Photographers on Assignment” – For the last decade, some of the most powerful and impactful stories have been produced by a new generation of photojournalists who are women. These women are as different as the places and the subjects they have covered but they all share the same passion and commitment to storytelling that has come to define National Geographic.
- “One Cubic Foot: Portraits of Biodiversity” – One Cubic Foot: Portraits of Biodiversity features the amazing diversity of creatures found by photographer David Liittschwager when he placed a 12-inch cube in different environments and coaxed the inhabitants in front of his lens.
- “Lions & Tigers & Bears: Through the Lens with National Geographic” – Based on multi-year coverage by National Geographic photographers Michael Nichols, Steve Winter, and Paul Nicklen, the images in this exhibition attest to the wildness and beauty of lions and tigers and bears.
- “A New Age of Exploration” – Celebrate 125 years of vivid storytelling through stunning photography, film, and interactive experiences.
The free admission this Sun. Jan. 12th is courtesy of PNC, national presenting tour sponsor of “Women of Vision: National Geographic Photographers on Assignment”, currently open at the museum. So be sure to check it out!