Nov 2

Harris Teeter Super Doubles 11/2/11-11/8/11

Image courtesy of Harris Teeter

This one kind of snuck up on me…. but today starts a full week of “Super Double Coupons” for Harris Teeter shoppers!

In case you’re new to the term “Super Doubles”, Harris Teeter grocery stores will DOUBLE manufacturer coupons with a face value of up to $1.98. That means $1.00 coupons will double to $2.00 off! $1.50 coupons will double to $3.00 off, etc. They have a limit of 20 coupons per day, which is enforced by use of your VIC card.

For some great coupon match-ups that you can use today, check out Jenny from Southern Savers’ post here.

Also, I’d love to hear what your experiences have been during HT Super Doubles lately. Does your store restock quickly (or at all)? How early do you feel you need to show up to get all the good deals?