Nov 28

Thanksgiving Leftovers Burrito

I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving! As you return out of your food coma from yesterday, you’re likely wondering what to do with all the leftovers? Although I think Thanksgiving leftover sandwiches taste good, that can get a bit dull. My family and I have made these burritos for years and it is hands down the best way to serve Thanksgiving leftovers! After some trial and error, I’ve come up with the best Thanksgiving leftovers concoction!


Best Thanksgiving Leftovers Burrito Recipe


10-inch Tortilla
1/4 cup Mashed Sweet Potatoes
1/4 cup Stuffing or Dressing (if you prefer more, use up to 1/2 cup)
1/4 cup Turkey Pieces


Take one 10-inch Tortilla and lay on a flat, clean surface or plate. Use a spoon to spread mashed sweet potatoes over 1/2 of the tortilla, leaving space on the edge. Sprinkle stuffing on top of mashed sweet potatoes, then add turkey pieces on top. Fold up burrito, and refrigerate or freeze for later. You can eat cold or warm up in microwave, both ways taste great!

My family and I make these holiday leftovers burritos after both Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s a delicious and different way to wrap up all those leftovers into a non-tired, tasty meal. If you have other side dishes you’d like to toss in, you can easily modify the recipe to add in other traditional sides like cranberry sauce or green bean casserole. By testing out different flavor combinations you can easily create your own family favorite burrito.


A special thanks to Frederick Dudek, a family friend, who shared his Thanksgiving burrito concept with my parents years ago. It has become our favorite way to eat Thanksgiving and Christmas leftovers!