Jan 13

On TV: New Year, New You

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to Baltimore to be a guest on Fox 45 Morning News!

Laura Harders Fox 45 Baltimore New Year New You Segment

We’re in the second week of the new year, so I know many people are trying to keep their New Year’s resolutions going strong. I chatted with Shelley Orman about ways to get healthy in the new year. In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what I shared!

Swisse Wellness Ultivite Multivitamins on TV
1. Swisse Wellness Ultivite® Multivitmains
Getting healthy starts with taking daily steps toward improved health. Swisse Wellness Ultivite men’s and women’s daily multivitamins are packed with  more than 50 ingredients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbs. This happens to be Australia’s #1 multivitamin and many Americans love it too! It is backed by more than 13 clinical studies proving it supports energy levels, stamina, and vitality.
Cost: $34.99
Available at: Amazon
Website: Swisse.com

Myrtol 300 Supplement on TV
2. Myrtol 300
Did you know that deep breathing actually gives health benefits similar to aerobics? If you are a sinus sufferer like me, breathe easy with Myrtol 300. It’s Europe’s best kept secret for a healthy respiratory tract. It’s derived from essential oils; simply take a capsule at first signs of sinus or lung congestion. Myrtol 300 helps clear and maintain a healthy respiratory system.
Cost: $19.99
Available at: Amazon
Website: TryMyrtol300.com

Teds Pain Cream TV Segment
3. Ted’s Pain Cream
If your New Year’s resolution is to exercise more, you should know that the number one reason people stop working out is due to injury. Ted’s Pain Cream is a great solution for those pushing themselves hard. The cream provides pain relief but can actually continue to treat your pain over the course of one week. It’s made from natural ingredients, developed by two neuroscientists. Ted’s Pain Cream helps those who suffer from lingering pain after an injury has healed, as well as those suffering from arthritis and migraines.
Cost: $19 per tube
Available at: Amazon Prime
Website: TedsBrainScience.com

Hello Fresh Mealkit delivery service
4. Hello Fresh
Eating better is a top New Year’s resolution and those three dreaded words “What’s for dinner?” seem to come back night after night. Mealkit delivery service Hello Fresh covers the shopping, planning, and delivering, with step-by-step recipes and ingredients. Take the guesswork out of dinner and bring the fun of cooking back with healthy meals in just 30 minutes.
Cost: Starting at $59 for 3 meals serving 2 people
Order at: HelloFresh.com.

BELLA Automatic Electric Spiralizer
5. BELLA Automatic Electric Spiralizer
If you’re on the Paleo diet or Whole30 Program, or simply want to transform the way you and your family eat veggies, you need the BELLA Automatic Electric Spiralizer! Create healthy versions of everyday meals, vegetable pasta or salads. It has a one-touch, automatic moving blade with auto-stop feature, making it a truly hands-free electric spiralizer. Choose from: Ribbon, Linguine, Spaghetti, and Fettuccine shapes.
Cost: $59.99
Available at: Kohl’s, JC Penney, and Amazon.
Website: BellaHousewares.com

Check out the clip from my segment here:

What steps are you taking to stay healthy this year?