
I know so many frugal folks who are Do-It-Yourself people.  And that is a good thing!  You can save a lot of money by making more things from scratch in the kitchen, mowing your own grass, cutting your own hair, changing your own oil, etc. When you get the chance to do-it-yourself and use your […]... read more

Hi everyone!  Well, I guess I’m a fairweather blogger… I realized that it has been over 2 weeks since I did a post.  To be honest there have been a plethora of great deals and frugal things to do, but I have been so wrapped up with helping my husband with his small business, his […]... read more

Welcome to my blog! I aim to maintain a simple blog for great deals in the Northern Virginia/DC Metropolitan area from local grocery stores, drug stores, restaurants, shops, etc.  Just a place to post weekly specials and share great deals with other frugally-minded friends in Northern Virginia. Thanks for stopping by, and hope you’ll be […]... read more